Friday, 12 August 2011

Nightmare Day

Well what a nightmare yesterday was.

I'm no Super Trader as has been demonstrated in the past but it is not often I manage to get everything wrong in a single day.................

Thought the Indian Price offered some value before play began yesterday and to be fair it probably did (The problem is I backed it rather than laying) What a shambles India were.

On to the Golf and I managed to feck that up too:

More or less Max loss on Stricker and the only one I have running for me is basically playing with One Hand and not guranteed to start this afternoon. Ok I've got other Greens too but nothing better than +1.

I think the Gambling Gods are punishing me for placing the Bets on Betfair to be honest, but at this rate I'll have an Account worth a lot of money to a Premium Charge Payer.

Brings me on to my last point actually, If Betfair are now beginning to close some winning Accounts due to a change in 'behaviour', if I ever do stop being a 'Mug Punter/Trader' and start producing Consistent Profits (I know not Bloody Likely) are they going to think Peter Webb is now running the Account and close it down? I think they have opened a whole new can of worms going down this road and it will be interesting to see how things develop.

Poker going Ok but nothing special, just played cash so far this month and think I am up a couple of buy ins or so.

Reached Gold Star on Stars and closing in on Platinum Star so at least I am accululating some vpps.

It's going to be a long weekend.........................

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